How To Increase Your Bonemerang Damage in Hypixel Skyblock

A little while ago, it was discovered that Bonemerangs are a very good weapon to use in The End. As such, their price skyrocketed from what they used to be.

As my co-op Spartanraph117 shows off in this video, they can easily help you get #1 in Endstone protectors. However, now we need to learn a way to get even more damage.

We will teach you the art of double-sword swapping in Hypixel Skyblock. Sword swapping works in weird ways sometimes.

In addition to bonemerangs, you will now need:

  • Giant’s Sword (requires f6 completion) with One For All, or Emerald Blade (with around 800m coins) with One For All
  • Magma Bow or Death Bow

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Fun Guild MOTD Ideas – Hypixel Skyblock

For a while now, many guild leaders across the Hypixel community like to play pranks on their guild, especially on April Fool’s day. So, here’s some fun guild MOTDs that you might want to use to have fun with your guild!

If you’re familiar with Java’s color codes, note that on Hypixel, they use the “&” symbol instead of the “§” symbol before the appropriate letter. You can read more here on the Minecraft Wiki.

Note: some of these may be too long to send in 1.8.9. If the chat box isn’t long enough to send the command, use the latest version of Minecraft.

Friend Requests

A friend request from a famous person?


I’ve used this on my guild before. I’d say it works pretty well. Watching people’s reactions when they try to click on it and discover that it’s not real is the best.

/g motd clear
/g motd add &eFriend request from &d[PIG&b+++&d] Technoblade
/g motd add &a&l[ACCEPT] &8- &c&l[DENY] &8- &7&l[IGNORE]

Here are a few more templates that I’ve made for you guys to use. Note that the spacing is VERY important. You should use copy/paste instead of trying to type this stuff out, in order to avoid mistakes.

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