Bless Me, Ultima Quiz

Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya

Quiz made 100% by me.

  1. Where does Antonio and his sisters sleep?
    1. In a partitioned rooms in the attic
    2. In the bedrooms
    3. In the basement
    4. None of the above
  2. What is Antonio’s dad’s job?
    1. Baker
    2. Steward
    3. Highway Road Crew
    4. Cheesemaster

  3. What was Antonio’s first dream about?
    1. Farmers
    2. His birth
    3. Lupito
    4. Miss Violet
    5. None of the above
  4. What town does Antonio live in?
    1. The llano
    2. Guadalupe
    3. Mexico
    4. South Africa
    5. None of the above
  5. How does Antonio’s mother describe Ultima?
    1. “She’s a mean, evil witch”
    2. “She is a great hero”
    3. “She is a fat lady”
    4. “She is a woman of learning”
  6. What does Antonio’s mom want him to be when he grows up? Choose all that apply
    1. Librarian
    2. Teacher
    3. Farmer
    4. Priest
    5. Chef
  7. What languages(s) did Antonio speak before attending school?
    1. Spanish
    2. English
    3. Chinese
    4. Cantonese
    5. A and B
  8. Who was the only person the Indian would talk to?
    1. Miss Violet
    2. Jáson
    3. Ultima
    4. Cico
    5. None of the above
  9. What is a Luna?
    1. Farmers
    2. The moon
    3. A lunar eclipse
    4. A store
    5. None of the above
  10. Who are the people who live with Antonio? Choose all that apply
    1. Gabriel
    2. Deborah
    3. Theresa
    4. Ultima
    5. María
  11. Instead of calling her La GrandeAntonio calls her…
    1. Woman
    2. Miss
    3. By her last name
    4. By her first name
  12. What was the Town of Guadalupe named after?
    1. The llano of Guadalupe
    2. The Guadalupe River
    3. The Guadalupe Mountain
    4. La Virgen de Guadalupe
    5. None of the above
  13. What do Theresa and Deborah make a chain out of? (hint: “they had more time in the attic and cut out an interminable train of ___________ which they dressed, gave names to, and most miraculously, made talk“)
    1. Legos
    2. Paper dolls
    3. Puppets
    4. None of the above
  14. (T/F) Antonio’s father wants to move to South America.
    1. True
    2. False
  15. (T/F) Antonio’s mother says “Jesús, María y José”, which means, in English, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
    1. True
    2. False
  16. (T/F) Lupito is suffering from a war disease, which made him kill Gabriel
    1. True
    2. False
  17. Who tried to defend Lupito from the mob?
    1. Gabriel
    2. Jáson’s father
    3. Chávez
    4. Márez
    5. None of the above
  18. What animal is Ultima connected to?
    1. An owl
    2. A parakeet
    3. A parrot
    4. An ostrich
    5. None of the above
  19. (Fill in the blank) “The men of the llano are men of the __________. The men of the farms along the river were men of the ___________”
    1. Cowboys; Fishers
    2. Cowboys; Poachers
    3. Sun; moon
    4. Gangsters; Cookers
    5. Moon; sun
  20. (Fill in the blank) “Now the men on the bridge walked the earth with the terrible burden of dark mortal sin on their souls and _________ was their only reward”
    1. Hell
    2. Death
    3. Prison
    4. Jail
    5. None of the above
  21. (T/F) Antonio’s father was not a strong believer in religion. When he was drunk he called priests “women,” and made fun of the long skirts they wore.
    1. True
    2. False
  22. Ultima describes Antonio as:
    1. The inquisitor (asks lots of questions)
    2. The mean kid
    3. The average kid
    4. The person who doesn’t call me La Grande
    5. None of the above
  23. Who is the fastest kid in the town? (hint: bridge racing)
    1. Horse
    2. Ernie
    3. The Vitamin Kid
    4. Bones
    5. None of the above
  24. Who doesn’t believe in God?
    1. Lloyd
    2. Florence
    3. Rita
    4. Horse
    5. None of the above
  25. Who did Antonio throw to join the club?
    1. The Vitamin Kid
    2. Ernie
    3. Lloyd
    4. Horse
    5. Miss Violet
  26. During one of Antonio’s walks with Ultima, she shows him yerba del manso (pg 39). What can it cure? Choose all that apply
    1. Burns
    2. Sores
    3. Colic in babies
    4. Rheumatism
    5. Nothing
  27. Where do Antonio’s uncles live?
    1. Guadalupe
    2. Lunas
    3. The llano
    4. Las Pasturas
    5. El Puerto
  28. What about the river does Antonio feel is watching him?
    1. The presence of the river
    2. The fish in the river
    3. The golden carp in the river
    4. None of the above
  29. Who is NOT one of Antonio’s brothers?
    1. Andrew
    2. León
    3. Juan
    4. Eugene
    5. They’re all Antonio’s brothers
  30. Which Uncle did Antonio love the most?
    1. Juan
    2. Pedro
    3. Lucas
    4. Mateo
    5. Never mentioned
  31. What are the names of Antonio’s parents? (Choose 2)
    1. Gabriel Márez
    2. Gabriel Luna
    3. María
    4. Ultima
    5. None of the above
  32. Who is Antonio’s first grade teacher?
    1. Miss Masteas
    2. Miss Deborah
    3. Miss EverReady
    4. Mr. John Green
    5. Miss Violet
  33. (T/F) People at school laughed at Antonio’s lunch
    1. True
    2. False
  34. Which one was the leader of the brothers? (hint: youngest)
    1. Andrew
    2. León
    3. Eugene
  35. Which brother stayed while the other two left?
    1. Andrew
    2. León
    3. Eugene
  36. Who won the pissing contest?
    1. Abel
    2. Horse
    3. Ernie
    4. Samuel
    5. Florence
  37. Who tells Antonio the story of the Golden Carp?
    1. Cico
    2. Abel
    3. Florence
    4. Jáson
    5. Samuel
  38. Why does Uncle Lucas get sick?
    1. He ate bad food
    2. He saw the Trementina Sisters dancing the Black Mass
    3. He is old
    4. He catches the flu
    5. None of the above
  39. How does Ultima cure Uncle Lucas?
    1. Ultima takes her magic wand and waves it in the air in a pattern for 6 hours
    2. Ultima makes medicine for Uncle Lucas to eat, then performs voodoo, then makes Uncle Lucas vomit the curse
    3. Ultima makes medicine for Uncle Lucas, then boils it in the room for 6 hours, so all the fumes can be inhaled
    4. Ultima first tries to use her magic wand, but fails, so she waits 6 hours. Then she tries to feed Uncle Lucas medicine it works! Then she performs voodoo and Uncle Lucas dies.
  40. What is Narciso’s relationship with Cico?
    1. Acquaintances
    2. Friends
    3. Classmates
    4. Strangers
    5. Never mentioned
  41. Where does Antonio see the Golden Carp?
    1. The ocean
    2. A river
    3. The presence of the river
    4. A pond
    5. None of the above
  42. What is the opposite of the Golden Carp?
    1. Cico
    2. Narciso
    3. Black Bass
    4. Miss Violet
  43. Cico says that the Golden Carp has warned him that the land cannot support the weight
    of ___________________________.

    1. The town’s sins
    2. New babies
    3. New houses
    4. The factories
    5. None of the above
  44. What does Ultima have to walk under to prove she isn’t a witch?
    1. A table
    2. A door with holy needles on it
    3. A stick
    4. The sacred tree
    5. None of the above
  45. Who is Antonio’s second grade teacher?
    1. Miss Violet
    2. Miss Maestas
    3. Miss EverReady
    4. Mrs. Bush
    5. None of the above
  46. Who is Antonio’s third grade teacher?
    1. Miss Violet
    2. Miss Maestas
    3. Miss EverReady
    4. Mrs. Bush
    5. None of the above
  47. What does Miss Violet use to bribe the play actors to perform?
    1. A lollipop
    2. A chocolate
    3. An A in the class
    4. None of the above
  48. What is Lloyd’s punchline?
    1. “Let’s race”
    2. “You could be sued for saying that”
    3. “¡Chingada!”
    4. “Ay”
    5. None of the above
  49. Where is Andrew when Narciso asks for help warning the Márez family?
    1. The store (at work)
    2. The store (buying groceries)
    3. Walking around randomly
    4. At Rosie’s
    5. None of the above
  50. Who kills Narciso?
    1. Lupito
    2. The mob
    3. The snow
    4. Tenorio
    5. The Trementina Sisters
  51. Why did León and Gene come back to the Márez house?
    1. They lost the lottery and are now homeless
    2. They miss their family
    3. They broke their car
    4. None of the above
  52. When asked to confess who claimed to have done no sins?
    1. Florence
    2. Rita
    3. Bones
    4. Ernie
    5. Horse
  53. For Antonio’s first communion, what did God say to him?
    1. “Your destiny is to become a priest”
    2. “You will become a great farmer”
    3. “Take care of Ultima”
    4. Nothing
  54. What was NOT one of the effects of the curse on Téllez’s house?
    1. Plates crashed against the wall
    2. Stones rained on the house
    3. People in the house got fat
    4. The sky got dark
  55. Who drowns?
    1. Bones
    2. Rita
    3. Ernie
    4. Florence
    5. None of the above
  56. How does Ultima die?
    1. Drowning
    2. Her owl getting shot
    3. Ultima getting shot
    4. Suicide
  57. Who buries Ultima?
    1. Her owl
    2. Gabriel
    3. Antonio
    4. Mali Vishal-Antony DeCartes
    5. None of the above

Answer Key:

  1. A. In partitioned rooms in the attic (pg 1)
  2. C. Highway Road Crew (pg 3)
  3. B. His birth (pg 5)
  4. B. Guadalupe
  5. D. “She is a woman of learning” (pg 8)
  6. C, D. Farmer, Priest (pg 9) [a Luna is a farmer]
  7. A. Spanish (pg 10)
  8. B. Jáson (pg 10)
  9. A. Farmers
  10. A, B, C, D, E
  11. D. By her first name (pg 12)
  12. D. La Virgen de Guadalupe (pg 13)
  13. B. Paper dolls (pg 14)
  14. B. False. He wants to move to California.
  15. A. True
  16. B. False. He kills the sheriff.
  17. E. None of the above. Narciso tries to defend Lupito (pg 21)
  18. A. An owl
  19. C. Sun; moon (pg 27)
  20. A. Hell (pg 28)
  21. True (pg 29)
  22. A. The inquisitor (pg 33)
  23. C. The Vitamin Kid
  24. B. Florence (pg 37)
  25. D. Horse (pg 38)
  26. A, B, C, D (pg 40)
  27. E. El Puerto (pg 41)
  28. A. The presence of the river (pg 41)
  29. C. Juan
  30. B. Pedro (pg 46)
  31. A, C. Gabriel Márez; María (María sometimes has the last name Márez and sometimes has the last name Luna.
  32. A. Miss Maestas (pg 57)
  33. A. True
  34. C. Eugene (pg 66)
  35. A. Andrew (pg 72)
  36. B. Horse (pg 75)
  37. E. Samuel (pg 86)
  38. B. He saw the Trementina Sisters dancing the Black Mass
  39. B. (pg 98-103)
  40. B. Friends (pg 108)
  41. D. A pond (pg 112)
  42. C. Black Bass
  43. A. The town’s sins (pg 118)
  44. B. A door with holy needles on it (pg 133)
  45. E. None of the above. Antonio actually skips second grade
  46. A. Miss Violet (pg 145)
  47. C. An A in the class (pg 153-154)
  48. B.
  49. D. At Rosie’s (pg 165)
  50. D. (pg 169)
  51. C. They broke their car (pg 182)
  52. A. Florence (pg 212)
  53. D. Nothing
  54. C. People in the house got fat
  55. D. Florence
  56. B. Her owl getting shot
  57. C. Antonio

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