Valorant maps have their strengths and flaws, some being easier to play on, while others are easier. In this article, I will be ranking the maps in rotation for competitive queue from my favorite to least favorite.
My Aim Training Journey
Since my aim is pretty bad in Valorant, I decided to start aim training. I am going to be using Aim Labs.
I Tried Raw Accel and This Happened
In Valorant, I play on a really low sensitivity: 0.06 in game with 800 DPI. The average “low sensitivity” player has an EDPI of 150-300, while mine is 48. Because it’s not practical to swipe your mouse 4 times to turn 180 degrees, I decided to try out Raw Accel, which is mouse acceleration. In this article, I will be going over how that went for me.
Premier Victories – Valorant
Premier reset a couple of weeks ago. Last season, my team and I didn’t do so well. However, this season, things are looking up.