Recently, I started playing archer in m7. I was really struggling to kill the dragons in the alter. So I’ve been researching ways to increase my damage. I stumbled across different ways of increasing my DPS and found some that really helped out mine. In this article, I will be sharing one upgrade that helped me increase my DPS by a lot.
Emblem Lyn Summons – Fire Emblem: Heroes
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Today, a new Emblem Hero joins the game: Lyn. She can attack at 6 range, and the ring allows units with 2 range extend their range to 1~5 range, which is just incredible.
I’ve been saving up my orbs for the next A Hero Rises and am currently at 727 orbs. I’m hoping to not have to dig into my savings too much. In order to avoid the same mistake as my previous summoning session where I spent 280 orbs and got literally no 5-stars, I’m setting a cap this time to only spend up until I have 400 orbs remaining. Hopefully, I can have an ultra-lucky session this Christmas to cancel out that awful luck that my account has historically had. You can check out my previous summoning sessions here.
The Best Knife Skins in 2024
There are tons of knife skins in Valorant, some good, some not so good. Knife skins are pretty expensive, so it might be hard to decide which one you should buy. In this article, I will be going over my recommendations for knife skins if you are looking to make a purchase.
How to Beat Garboyle – Dragon Quest 3 Remake
I recently came across the Garboyle boss, and boy, was he tough. I spent 3 hours trying to brute-force it, attempting everything you could think of. I tried fizzle spamming, buff spamming, and even setting two characters to spam heals, yet I could not beat him. So, I decided to level up my characters. At the time, they were levels 29-31, and I leveled them up to 34-36. However, I still couldn’t beat the boss when he spammed Kasizzle twice in the same turn. Finally, I tried a new strategy, and I was able to beat the boss in less than 15 minutes. In this article, I’ll share that strategy.
You Have to Buy These Phantom Skins – Valorant
Valorant has many Phantom skins, but some stand out more than others. Many people don’t know which to buy and sometimes end up buying many Phantom skins. In this article, I will give my opinion on the best Phantom skins in the game.
Magical Power Guide for Dungeons
With 21 power stones available, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re looking to maximize your damage output in dungeons. But don’t worry—I’m here to help! In this guide, we’ll break down exactly which power stone reforges you should be using based on your playstyle. Whether you’re slinging spells as a mage or wielding powerful bows like the Terminator, I’ll show you the optimal reforge to dominate your dungeon runs and take your damage to the next level.