Saving Orbs Entry #2 – FEH

I decided I’m going to do weekly updates on my orb count and how I got them. Today, I am at 127 orbs. I got 42 orbs over the past week. I will be going over how I got those orbs.


Daily Login

The daily login bonus is where I continued to get more orbs. I got the last of it today. Thankfully, voting gauntlet is starting soon, so I will be able to get more login bonus orbs.


The main source of the orbs from events is from forging bonds. I got 10 orbs from forging bonds over the past week.

Next is forging bonds. It just started up however so I haven’t gotten too many orbs from this. I got 5 orbs from this event.

I got 9 orbs from Catria and Est bound hero battle. Which is also a lot of the orbs.

I got 5 orbs from the Arena.


I got a couple orbs from the quests, not too many though. I got probably 3 or 4 orbs from it.

I will give an update next week on my orb count. Keep posted.

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