Ever since IS added the spark feature and 4* focus last year; and 4* special and the reduce pity broken rate earlier this year, the number of 5* heroes I got from summoning seems to increase a little bit. I don’t know whether my luck has changed or it’s simply the result of the recent change in summoning mechanic.
So, I decided to revisit my previous gacha luck investigation: “FEH Summoner: How lucky are you?” I’d like to know whether my luck has changed for the better or not.
Similar to the previous investigation, I decided to update the old program that I wrote to include the most recent mechanic update.
- Pull every single stone (no sniping)
- Sample size 1,000 people
- Simulate regular banner with spark
- Simulate legendary banner
Here’s the result from my simulation.
Regular banner with spark mechanic
Since we can now pull any of the 4 focus units after 40 summons, all players will at least get 1 focus unit when they summon at least 40 times.
So, what does the charts below tell us? 250 out of 1,000 summoner will not get any 5* focus unit from their summoning session. Those 250 summoners only get the focus unit from sparking. Average luck will get you 1 focus unit from summoning + 1 focus unit from sparking. If you can summon more than 1 focus unit from your session, then your luck is already more than average. Super lucky summoners can get 3 or more focus units from their summoning session (4 or more if we include the sparking).
Now, if we also include the normal pity broken unit and the new 4* special hero (that turn to a 5* hero), the number is actually much better.
Average luck summoners will get between 4-5 any 5* star heroes (focus/pity/4*special). It doesn’t sound so bad. I’ve only summoned twice on the regular banner with spark feature. I’ve gotten 4 and 5. I thought I was lucky, but as you can see, it’s just average luck.
Legendary banner
How about the legendary banner? Legendary banner has no pity broken heroes or the 4* focus units. Simulation result shows that summoners are getting more 5* heroes due to the new 4* special heroes, but not by much – up to 4 additional 5* heroes for those luckiest summoner out there. Now, the unluckiest summoner will get 8 5* heroes instead of 7 5* heroes (previously)
So, summoners, have your luck changed for the better? Mine has not.