Did I Get Anyone From 22 Free Summons? – FEH

As a new year gift, we got quests to obtain 20 free tickets total, for 2 different banners. In this article I will be going over who I got from those tickets.

NY Banner

NY Banner 2

My summoning strategy is to pick grey orbs for the first banner for D! Askr. For the second banner, I will go for green orbs for D! Peony.


I got one 5-star in 22 free summons. I kind of expected this with my recent luck. The 5-star I got was Lethe, which makes her +3 now. It is disappointing because that was the very first summon, then I just got nobody afterword.




The free summons definitely helped my summoning addiction. I think I will update my orb goal to 200, since I’m at 123 already. Tune in on Sunday for my next post.

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