I Created My Own Premier Team

A couple of weeks ago, the new premier season started in Valorant. I decided to create a premier team with my friends. In this article, I will go over how that is going and the plan for our team.

Premier Team

Why I Created a Team

My friends started playing Valorant a couple of months ago. They have been getting more and more into the game recently. I suggested we create a premier team for fun, and they agreed. That is why I created this team.

How It’s Going

We have played 3 matches in premier; unfortunately, we lost all 3 games. We have been experimenting with our team compositions. Especially me, I have played different roles in each match I have played. I first played KillJoy, who is a sentinel, and we lost. Then, in the next match, I played Omen, who is a controller, and I performed poorly again. Then I switched to Jett, who is a duelist, last weekend, and I also played pretty poorly.


Next weekend I’m going to try to play either Raze or Reyna, who are duelists. The reason I think I am not playing as well as I usually do is one main reason: my confidence. I am not really confident on agents like KillJoy or Omen. However, I am more comfortable on duelist roles. I don’t really like playing Jett though; I am not too good at using her utility.

Our team composition is also a little weird; we currently have 2 duelists, 2 initiators, and 1 controller. We are missing a sentinel; however, my friends don’t really like playing any of them or really know how to. I tried to play it once, but I am also not good at playing that role.


Hopefully, we will win our first match this weekend. Hopefully, these past few games were just warming up and trying to get used to the more competitive scene, rather than unrated since that environment is very different.


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